Turn Waste into Energy
In recent years, along with economic development, people have gradually realized the importance of environmental protection as well as the energy saving and carbon reduction. The world has set off a wave of green energy. "Biomass energy" derived from waste can directly generate electricity through burning waste. In addition to being committed to reducing waste generation, it also advocates the recycling of waste as an alternative fuel. The Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) is one of them.
Our factory's industrial waste is mainly soft plastics which can be recycled and converted into solid renewable fuels (SRF). And it can replace traditional coal, oil, natural gas and other fuels for power generation to reduce CO2 emissions.
Soild Recovered Fuel (SRF)
SRF is recycled and conversed from plastics and biomass (such as waste paper, wood and other wood fiber wastes) which are harmless and flammable substances and must meet fuel quality standards. The substances are sieved out form combustible garbage and deployed according to different calorific values Ratio. SRF is one kind of compressed fuel rods with uniform combustion properties and it is provided to the special power plants to replace traditional fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for power generation. It has three advantages of low environmental impact, low fuel cost, and can be applied to high energy efficiency boilers and combustion facilities.
Normal incinerators usually have the function of generating electricity. But its power generation efficiency is only about 20% at most which is far lower than the coal burning (average is more than 35%).
Because the garbage it incinerates is not strictly sorted and treated, and the designed incineration calorific value is not high enough (mostly around 2000 kcal/kg).
SRF is much different. It does not simply throw garbage into incineration, but through a precise sorting procedure. It picks out recyclable, non-combustible or non-combustible waste, then makes the harmless and flammable substances into solid fuel with stable quality and high combustion calorific value (4000 to 6000 kcal/kg more). The thermal energy generated by SRF is close to that of coal. It provides stable renewable energy and replace fossil fuels. SRF is burned by a dedicated furnace to generate electricity, and its power generation efficiency can reach more than 30%.
The combustion calorific value and efficiency of SRF are also higher, which is helpful to the production process. The substances that only can be discarded or cannot be recycled in the original can have the opportunity to be reused. The carbon emission of natural gas power generation is half of coal combustion, and the carbon emission of SRF power generation is about one third of coal combustion. Compared with coal, SRF as a fuel can achieve a better carbon reduction effect and reduce air pollution to help moderate the global warming effect.
Waste resource recycling
To treat the waste as a new resource or alternative fuel, not just a discarding that causes environmental load. And to find new ways and utilizing value of the waste to implement circular economy and continue to promote environmental protection work. Taking the environmental sustainability as the core, to create an industrial environment that combines resource recycling and reduces environmental impact.